Database Models

Model classes triggered from handler classes are used for write, read, update and delete operations. A model class can contain more than one function. Before a model can work, it must be defined in the App/ConfigProvider.php file as follows.

public function getDependencies() : array
    return [
        'factories' => [
            // Models
            Model\CompanyModel::class => function ($container) {
                $dbAdapter = $container->get(AdapterInterface::class);
                $companies = new TableGateway('companies', $dbAdapter, null, new ResultSet(ResultSet::TYPE_ARRAY));
                $columnFilters = $container->get(ColumnFilters::class);
                return new Model\CompanyModel($companies, $columnFilters);

Saving Data

If data of array type comes from the http header as follows;


*  @var array
*  @OA\Property(
*      type="array",
*      @OA\Items(
*           @OA\Property(
*             property="childId",
*             type="string",
*           ),
*           @OA\Property(
*             property="childName",
*             type="string",
*           ),
*           @OA\Property(
*             property="childBirthdate",
*             type="string",
*           ),
*     ),
*  );
public $employeeChildren;
  "employeeId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "surname": "string",
  "employeeChildren": [
        "childId" : "string",
        "childNameSurname" : "string"
    "employeeId" =>  "string",
    "name" =>  "string",
    "surname" =>  "string",
    "employeeChildren" =>  [
            "childId" => "string",
            "childNameSurname" =>  "string",

The data obtained from the employeeChildren array is recorded as in the following example.

Create (Data Creation)

In the example below, the array type employeeChildren data is recorded with the foreach statement in the create method.


public function create(array $data)
    $employeeId = $data['id'];
    try {
        $data['employees']['employeeId'] = $employeeId;
        $data['employees']['createdAt'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        // children
        if (! empty($data['employeeChildren'])) {
            foreach ($data['employeeChildren'] as $val) {
                $val['employeeId'] = $employeeId;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw $e;

Update (Data Update)

In the following example, the array type employeeChildren data is recorded with the foreach statement in the update method.


public function update(array $data)
    $employeeId = $data['id'];
    try {
        $this->employees->update($data['employees'], ['employeeId' => $employeeId]);

        // delete children
        $this->employeeChildren->delete(['employeeId' => $employeeId]);
        if (! empty($data['employeeChildren'])) {
            foreach ($data['employeeChildren'] as $val) {
                $val['employeeId'] = $employeeId;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw $e;

Column Filters

Olobase\Mezzio\ColumnFiltersInterface, column filter class creates SQL queries to be run in the database by parsing the url address sent to the API from the frontend.

Column Filters

The filtering seen in the image above will appear in your browser and backend API as follows:{"jobTitleId":[{"id":"137b00c8-0e36-ce3a-25f2-ce4b7b1cf97c","name":"Web+Designer"},{"id":"28fd1a31-becf-2329-6bcf-0c80bcc64e2d","name":"Computer+Programmer"}],"companyId":[{"id":"ebf6b935-5bd8-46c1-877b-9c758073f278","name":"Demo+Company","companyShortName":"Demo"}]}
http://demo.local/api/employees/findAllByPaging?jobTitleId[][id]=137b00c8-0e36-ce3a-25f2-ce4b7b1cf97c&jobTitleId[][name]=Web Designer&jobTitleId[][id]=28fd1a31-becf-2329-6bcf-0c80bcc64e2d&jobTitleId[][name]=Computer Programmer&companyId[][id]=ebf6b935-5bd8-46c1-877b-9c758073f278&companyId[][name]=Demo Company&companyId[][companyShortName]=Demo&_perPage=10&_page=1

The values sent to the backend are obtained as follows.

$get = $request->getQueryParams();
array (
  'jobTitleId' => 
  array (
    0 => array ('id' => '137b00c8-0e36-ce3a-25f2-ce4b7b1cf97c'),
    1 => array ('name' => 'Web Designer'),
    2 => array ('id' => '28fd1a31-becf-2329-6bcf-0c80bcc64e2d',),
    3 => array ('name' => 'Computer Programmer',),
  'companyId' => 
  array (
    0 => array ('id' => 'ebf6b935-5bd8-46c1-877b-9c758073f278'),
    1 => array ('name' => 'Demo Company'),
    2 => array ('companyShortName' => 'Demo'),
  '_perPage' => '10',
  '_page' => '1',

The columnFilters->setColumns() method is used to define your existing columns for the column filtering class.


If you want to use another table name instead of the column name, the columnFilters->setAlias() method is used.

$this->columnFilters->setAlias('companyId', 'c.companyId');

If you want a like search to occur within the columns you define, you should use the columnFilters->setLikeColumns() method.


If you want a where search to occur within the columns you define, you should use the columnFilters->setWhereColumns() method.


The following example shows an example of column filtering with the findAllByPaging() method of the EmployeeModel class;



namespace App\Model;

use Olobase\Mezzio\ColumnFiltersInterface;

class EmployeeModel
    public function __construct(
        TableGatewayInterface $employees,
        TableGatewayInterface $employeeChildren,
        TableGatewayInterface $employeeFiles,
        TableGatewayInterface $files,
        ColumnFiltersInterface $columnFilters
    ) {
        $this->adapter = $employees->getAdapter();
        $this->employees = $employees;
        $this->employeeChildren = $employeeChildren;
        $this->employeeFiles = $employeeFiles;
        $this->files = $files;
        $this->conn = $this->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection();
        $this->columnFilters = $columnFilters;
    public function findAllByPaging(array $get)
        $select = $this->findAll();
        $this->columnFilters->setAlias('companyId', 'c.companyId');
        $this->columnFilters->setAlias('jobTitleId', 'j.jobTitleId');
        $this->columnFilters->setAlias('gradeId', 'g.gradeId');

        if ($this->columnFilters->searchDataIsNotEmpty()) {
            $nest = $select->where->nest();
            foreach ($this->columnFilters->getSearchData() as $col => $words) {
                $nest = $nest->or->nest();
                foreach ($words as $str) {
                    $nest->or->like(new Expression($col), '%'.$str.'%');
                $nest = $nest->unnest();
        if ($this->columnFilters->likeDataIsNotEmpty()) {
            foreach ($this->columnFilters->getLikeData() as $column => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $nest = $select->where->nest();
                    foreach ($value as $val) {
                        $nest->or->like(new Expression($column), '%'.$val.'%');
                } else {
                    $select->where->like(new Expression($column), '%'.$value.'%');
        if ($this->columnFilters->whereDataIsNotEmpty()) {
            foreach ($this->columnFilters->getWhereData() as $column => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $nest = $select->where->nest();
                    foreach ($value as $val) {
                        $nest->or->equalTo(new Expression($column), $val);
                } else {
                    $select->where->equalTo(new Expression($column), $value);
        if ($this->columnFilters->orderDataIsNotEmpty()) {
        // echo $select->getSqlString($this->adapter->getPlatform());
        // die;
        $paginatorAdapter = new DbSelect(
        $paginator = new Paginator($paginatorAdapter);
        return $paginator;

Creating SQL for CRUD operations

If you aim to obtain SQL output from insert,update,delete operations, you can use the example below.

$sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
$insert = $sql->insert();
        date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
$string = $sql->buildSqlString($insert);
echo $string.PHP_EOL; // sql output of insert operation

$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert);

Sql Debugging

As in the following example, you can obtain the SQL code in string type with the help of the $select->getSqlString() method in any model class and in a method where the $select object exists.

$sql    = new Sql($this->adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
    ['rp' => 'rolePermissions'],
    'permissions.permId = rp.permId', [], $select::JOIN_INNER);
    ['r' => 'roles'],
    'r.roleId = rp.roleId', ['roleKey','roleLevel'], $select::JOIN_LEFT);

echo $select->getSqlString($adapter->getPlatform());
SELECT `permissions`.`permId` AS `permId`, `permissions`.`route` AS `route`, `permissions`.`method` AS `method`,
`r`.`roleKey` AS `roleKey`, `r`.`roleLevel` AS `roleLevel` FROM `permissions` INNER JOIN `rolePermissions` AS `rp` ON
`permissions`.`permId` = `rp`.`permId` LEFT JOIN `roles` AS `r` ON `r`.`roleId` = `rp`.`roleId`

ColumnFilters Methods


Resets the values of variables belonging to the ColumnFilters class.

$columnFilters->setSelect(SqlInterface $select)

If filtering is performed between two dates, the $select object should be sent to the columnFilters class. Otherwise, filtering will not occur.


$columnFilters->setColumns(array $columns)

Determines which columns should be queried.


$columnFilters->unsetColumns(array $columns)

Deletes the columns that need to be queried.

$columnFilters->getColumns(): array

Returns the queried column names.

$columnFilters->setAlias(string $name, string $alias)

$this->columnFilters->setAlias('purchaserName', $this->concatFunction);

You can also use Laminas\Db\Sql\Expression object as value.

$this->columnFilters->setAlias('orderItems', new Expression($this->orderItemFunction, [LANG_ID]));


It allows a like search to be performed within the columns you define.



It allows a where search to be performed within the columns you define.


$columnFilters->setGroupedColumns(string $name, array $columns, callable $returnFunc = null)

You will need this function when you convert filters, which usually have more than one boolean type and look messy, into a multi-selection input.

Grouped Column Filters

Considering the example above; Let's say you have 3 columns named ssl, verified and resourceAccess and we want to group these columns under a name that does not exist in your table.

    'resources', // group name 
        'ssl',  // column names that you want to group

Sql output:

  `d`.`domainId` AS `id`,
  `d`.`name` AS `name`,
  `d`.`url` AS `url`,
  `d`.`ssl` AS `ssl`,
  `d`.`verified` AS `verified`,
  `d`.`resourceAccess` AS `resourceAccess`,
  `domains` AS `d`
WHERE `ssl` = '1'
  AND `verified` = '1'
  AND `resourceAccess` = '1'

If we had chosen to send a closure function from the 3rd parameter, the result would be as follows.

    'resources', // group name 
        'ssl',  // column names that you want to group
    function ($val) {
        return (string)$val;

Sql output:

  `d`.`domainId` AS `id`,
  `d`.`name` AS `name`,
  `d`.`url` AS `url`,
  `d`.`ssl` AS `ssl`,
  `d`.`verified` AS `verified`,
  `d`.`resourceAccess` AS `resourceAccess`,
  `domains` AS `d`
WHERE `ssl` = 'ssl'
  AND `verified` = 'verified'
  AND `resourceAccess` = 'resourceAccess'

$columnFilters->getRawData(): array

Returns column data that was not processed by the column filter.

$columnFilters->setData(array $data)

It sends the incoming http data in array format to the column filter class.


$columnFilters->getData() : array

It returns incoming http data in array format.

$columnFilters->setDateFilter(string $dateColumn, $endDate = null, $fixedDate = null)

It automatically creates date filters based on the entered values.

Filter by a Single Column

Considering the example below, if the endDate value is sent empty,


This code produces a SQL query as follows.

$nest = $this->select->where->nest();
    $nest->and->between($dateColumn, $data[$columnStart], $data[$columnEnd]);

Query Between Two Columns

If you only need to query between two specific database columns, the 2nd parameter makes the query occur between two dates and,

$this->columnFilters->setDateFilter('startDate', 'endDate');

The above code produces an SQL query as follows.

$nest = $this->select->where->nest();
    $nest->and->lessThanOrEqualTo($columnStart, $data[$endKey])
         ->and->greaterThanOrEqualTo($columnEnd, $data[$startKey]);

Query Based on a Fixed Date Sent Between Two Columns

If fixedDate value is entered,

$this->columnFilters->setDateFilter('startDate', 'endDate', 'startDate');

This code produces an SQL query as follows.

$nest = $this->select->where->nest();
    $nest->and->lessThanOrEqualTo($columnStart, $data[$fixedDate])
         ->and->greaterThanOrEqualTo($columnEnd, $data[$fixedDate]);

$columnFilters->getLikeData(): array

If a search request is sent by columns, the queried column names and values are returned.

Get Like Data

    [`firstname`] => demo

$columnFilters->getWhereData(): array

If a search request is sent by columns, the queried column names and values are returned.

Get Where Data

    [c.companyId] => Array
            [0] => ebf6b935-5bd8-46c1-877b-9c758073f278

    [j.jobTitleId] => Array
            [0] => 137b00c8-0e36-ce3a-25f2-ce4b7b1cf97c

    [g.gradeId] => Array
            [0] => 8e9204c4-0133-4a51-82ca-4265b1656b1d
            [1] => 07ef35ed-5f96-4776-a57a-998d5f09a891

$columnFilters->getOrderData() : array

Returns sorted column names and values.

Get Where Data

    [0] => j.jobTitleId ASC
    [1] => name ASC


If search values are sent from the global search entry, the text search returns the column names and values.

Get Search Data

    [c.companyId] => Array
            [0] => Brown

    [`employeeNumber`] => Array
            [0] => Brown

    [`name`] => Array
            [0] => Brown

    [`surname`] => Array
            [0] => Brown

    [j.jobTitleId] => Array
            [0] => Brown

    [g.gradeId] => Array
            [0] => Brown


Returns true if the "global search" data is not empty, otherwise false.


If the "global search" data is empty, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.


If the "like" filter data is not empty, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.


If the "like" filter data is empty, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.


If the "where" filter data is not empty, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.


If the "where" filter data is empty, it returns true, otherwise false.


Returns true if the "sorting" data is not empty, otherwise false.


If the "sorting" data is empty, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.