Open Api

OpenAPI Specification (OAS) allows both humans and computers to discover the capabilities of the service through source code, documentation, or network traffic inspection and It defines a standard, language-independent interface to RESTful APIs that allows When defined correctly, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of application logic.

An OpenAPI definition then generates documentation tools to display the API, code to create servers and clients in various programming languages It can be used by tools, testing tools, and many other use cases.

Demo Swagger Api

Swagger - PHP

The Swagger - php library allows you to create OpenAPI documentation for your RESTful API. Swagger-php comes installed in the package.json file in your Olobase project. You should use composer swagger to create/update documentation with pre-existing swagger schemas.

cd /var/www/olobase-demo-php
composer swagger


> vendor/bin/openapi /var/www/olobase-demo-php -e vendor -o public/swagger/web/swagger.json

To view the documentation you created, you must visit as follows.



In the following codes, we have exemplified the most commonly used annotations in an Olobase backend application, one by one.



namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use App\Schema\Companies\CompanySave;
use App\Filter\Companies\SaveFilter;
use Olobase\Mezzio\DataManagerInterface;
use Olobase\Mezzio\Error\ErrorWrapperInterface as Error;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class CreateHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companySaveModel,
        private DataManagerInterface $dataManager,
        private SaveFilter $filter,
        private Error $error,
        $this->companySaveModel = $companySaveModel;
        $this->dataManager = $dataManager;
        $this->error = $error;
        $this->filter = $filter;

     * @OA\Post(
     *   path="/companies/create",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Create a new company",
     *   operationId="companies_create",
     *   @OA\RequestBody(
     *     description="Create new Company",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompanySave"),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *      response=400,
     *      description="Bad request, returns to validation errors"
     *   )
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $data = array();
        $response = array();
        if ($this->filter->isValid()) {
            $data = $this->dataManager->getSaveData(CompanySave::class, 'companies');
        } else {
            return new JsonResponse($this->error->getMessages($this->filter), 400);
        return new JsonResponse($response);     



namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use App\Filter\Companies\DeleteFilter;
use Olobase\Mezzio\Error\ErrorWrapperInterface as Error;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class DeleteHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companyModel,        
        private DeleteFilter $filter,
        private Error $error,
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;
        $this->filter = $filter;
        $this->error = $error;

     * @OA\Delete(
     *   path="/companies/delete/{companyId}",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Delete company",
     *   operationId="companyies_delete",
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       in="path",
     *       name="companyId",
     *       required=true,
     *       description="Company uuid",
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="string",
     *           format="uuid",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *   )
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        if ($this->filter->isValid()) {
        } else {
            return new JsonResponse($this->error->getMessages($this->filter), 400);
        return new JsonResponse([]);



namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class FindAllHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(CompanyModel $companyModel)
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;

     * @OA\Get(
     *   path="/companies/findAll",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Find all companies",
     *   operationId="companies_findAll",
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CommonFindAll"),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *      response=404,
     *      description="No result found"
     *   )
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $data = $this->companyModel->findCompanies();
        return new JsonResponse([
            'data' => $data,




namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class FindAllByPagingHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(CompanyModel $companyModel)
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;

     * @OA\Get(
     *   path="/companies/findAllByPaging",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Find all companies by pagination",
     *   operationId="companies_findAllByPaging",
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="q",
     *       in="query",
     *       required=false,
     *       description="Search string",
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="string",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="_page",
     *       in="query",
     *       required=false,
     *       description="Page number",
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="integer",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="_perPage",
     *       in="query",
     *       required=false,
     *       description="Per page",
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="integer",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="_sort",
     *       in="query",
     *       required=false,
     *       description="Order items",
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="array",
     *           @OA\Items()
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompaniesFindAllByPaging"),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *      response=404,
     *      description="No result found"
     *   )
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $get = $request->getQueryParams();
        $page = empty($get['_page']) ? 1 : (int)$get['_page'];
        $perPage = empty($get['_perPage']) ? 5 : (int)$get['_perPage'];

        $paginator = $this->companyModel->findAllByPaging($get);

        $page = ($page < 1) ? 1 : $page;

        return new JsonResponse([
            'page' => $paginator->getCurrentPageNumber(),
            'perPage' => $paginator->getItemCountPerPage(),
            'totalPages' => $paginator->count(),
            'totalItems' => $paginator->getTotalItemCount(),
            'data' => paginatorJsonDecode($paginator->getCurrentItems()),



namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use Olobase\Mezzio\DataManagerInterface;
use App\Schema\Companies\CompaniesFindOneById;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class FindOneByIdHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companyModel,
        private DataManagerInterface $dataManager
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;
        $this->dataManager = $dataManager;

     * @OA\Get(
     *   path="/companies/findOneById/{companyId}",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Find company data",
     *   operationId="companies_findOneById",
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="companyId",
     *       in="path",
     *       required=true,
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="string",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompaniesFindOneById"),
     *   ),
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $row = $this->companyModel->findOneById($request->getAttribute("companyId"));
        if ($row) {
            $data = $this->dataManager->getViewData(CompaniesFindOneById::class, $row);
            return new JsonResponse($data);   
        return new JsonResponse([], 404);

Schemas and Dependent Items

Schemas coded as descriptions on handlers in your application are connected to schema classes as follows.



namespace App\Handler\Companies;

use App\Model\CompanyModel;
use Olobase\Mezzio\DataManagerInterface;
use App\Schema\Companies\CompaniesFindOneById;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class FindOneByIdHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private CompanyModel $companyModel,
        private DataManagerInterface $dataManager
        $this->companyModel = $companyModel;
        $this->dataManager = $dataManager;

     * @OA\Get(
     *   path="/companies/findOneById/{companyId}",
     *   tags={"Companies"},
     *   summary="Find company data",
     *   operationId="companies_findOneById",
     *   @OA\Parameter(
     *       name="companyId",
     *       in="path",
     *       required=true,
     *       @OA\Schema(
     *           type="string",
     *       ),
     *   ),
     *   @OA\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompaniesFindOneById"),
     *   ),
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $row = $this->companyModel->findOneById($request->getAttribute("companyId"));
        if ($row) {
            $data = $this->dataManager->getViewData(CompaniesFindOneById::class, $row);
            return new JsonResponse($data);   
        return new JsonResponse([], 404);

The saving location of your schemas is the App/src/Schema folder.

- src
    - App
        - Schema
            - Companies
namespace App\Schema\Companies;

 * @OA\Schema()
class CompaniesFindAllByPaging
     * @var array
     * @OA\Property(
     *      type="array",
     *      @OA\Items(
     *          type="object",
     *          ref="#/components/schemas/CompaniesFindAllByPagingObject",
     *      ),
     * )
    public $data;
     * @var integer
     * @OA\Property()
    public $page;
     * @var integer
     * @OA\Property()
    public $perPage;
     * @var integer
     * @OA\Property()
    public $totalPages;
     * @var integer
     * @OA\Property()
    public $totalItems;

The above Object type link calls the following CompaniesFindAllByPagingObject scheme.

namespace App\Schema\Companies;

 * @OA\Schema()
class CompaniesFindAllByPagingObject
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $id;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $companyName;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $companyShortName;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $taxOffice;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $taxNumber;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $address;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="date-time",
     * )
    public $createdAt;
namespace App\Schema\Companies;

 * @OA\Schema()
class CompaniesFindOneById
     * @var object
     * @OA\Property(
     *     ref="#/components/schemas/CompaniesFindOneByIdObject",
     * )
    public $data;

The above Object type link calls the following CompaniesFindOneByIdObject scheme.

namespace App\Schema\Companies;

 * @OA\Schema()
class CompaniesFindOneByIdObject
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $id;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $companyName;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $companyShortName;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $taxOffice;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $taxNumber;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $address;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="date-time",
     * )
    public $createdAt;
namespace App\Schema\Companies;

 * @OA\Schema()
class CompanySave
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $companyId;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $companyName;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $companyShortName;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $taxOffice;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $taxNumber;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $address;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $createdAt;

All schema files you write in PHP must be converted to json format within the project with the following command so that they can be understood by the Swagger documentation tool.

cd /var/www/demo
composer swagger

When this command is run, swagger creates the documentation by combining all schemas in the / file.

In fact, this command calls the following command defined in the script section of your composer file.

> vendor/bin/openapi /var/www/demo -e vendor -o public/swagger/web/swagger.json

So the composer swagger command acts as a shortcut for the long post above.

image info

Object Types

If we want to send data of type object in the http header, it should be written as employeePersonal object, as in the following example.

namespace App\Schema;

 * @OA\Schema()
class EmployeeSave
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $employeeId;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $name;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $surname;
    *  @var object
    *  @OA\Property(
    *      @OA\Property(
    *          property="militaryStatusId",
    *          type="string",
    *      ),
    *      @OA\Property(
    *          property="militaryStartDate",
    *          type="string",
    *      ),
    *      @OA\Property(
    *          property="militaryEndDate",
    *          type="string",
    *      ),
    *      @OA\Property(
    *          property="marialStatusId",
    *          type="string",
    *      ),
    *  );
    public $employeePersonal;
  "employeeId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "surname": "string",
  "employeePersonal": {
    "militaryStatusId": "string",
    "militaryStartDate": "string",
    "militaryEndDate": "string",
    "marialStatusId": "string"
    "employeeId" => "string",
    "name" => "string",
    "surname" => "string",
    "employeePersonal" => [
        "militaryStatusId" =>  "string",
        "militaryStartDate" => "string",
        "militaryEndDate" => "string",
        "marialStatusId" => "string"


If you refer to the object name ObjectId in your PHP schema file, as in the following example, the DataManager class decides that the sent value is an object type containing id and returns the message. It analyzes the data as follows.

    ['companyId'] => [
        'id' => '77d3134e-f334-40a4-b4b3-e2d70087dfe4',
        'name' => 'Demo',

You can see most of the ObjectId examples in the src/App/Employees/EmployeesFindOneByIdObject.php file.

namespace App\Schema\Employees;

 * @OA\Schema()
class EmployeesFindOneByIdObject
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $id;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $name;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $surname;
    * @var object
    * @OA\Property(
    *     ref="#/components/schemas/ObjectId",
    *     format="uuid",
    * )
    public $companyId;
    * @var object
    * @OA\Property(
    *     ref="#/components/schemas/ObjectId",
    *     format="uuid",
    * )
    public $jobTitleId;
    * @var object
    * @OA\Property(
    *     ref="#/components/schemas/ObjectId",
    *     format="uuid",
    * )
    public $gradeId;

Array Types

If we want to send data of array type in the http header, employeeChildren must be written as an array, as in the following example.


namespace App\Schema\Employees;

 * @OA\Schema()
class EmployeeSave
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property(
     *     format="uuid"
     * )
    public $employeeId;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $name;
     * @var string
     * @OA\Property()
    public $surname;
    *  @var array
    *  @OA\Property(
    *      type="array",
    *      @OA\Items(
    *           @OA\Property(
    *             property="childId",
    *             type="string",
    *             format="uuid"
    *           ),
    *           @OA\Property(
    *             property="childNameSurname",
    *             type="string",
    *           ), 
    *     ),
    *  );
    public $employeeChildren;
  "employeeId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "surname": "string",
  "employeeChildren": [
        "childId" : "string",
        "childNameSurname" : "string"
    "employeeId" =>  "string",
    "name" =>  "string",
    "surname" =>  "string",
    "employeeChildren" =>  [
            "childId" => "string",
            "childNameSurname" =>  "string",