
A List page; These are the basic pages where you can perform operations such as pagination, sorting, filtering and exporting. You can easily create a server-side data table with a VaList component and a VaDataTableServer component to use list options.



Page Customization

Note that you are free to put whatever you want for each CRUD page and you do not have to use the optimized components provided. Since all data provider methods are available in a dedicated storage module for each source, it's not that complicated to create your own list components that will fetch your data. You can of course use the existing global $axios instance if you need to fetch any custom data coming out of the data provider logic. See usage in the store section.


The List component allows displaying the settings, filters and parent options of the data table.



Property Type Description Default
class String It allows you to assign a css class to the component. mb-0
title String It determines the list title. If this value is empty, the title of the current resource is translated with the titles.resource object. null
filters array The data is sent to your provider within the filter parameters. Valid attributes are: source, type, label, attributes. []
fields Array A list of columns required to render resource data. Each column can be a simple string or a complete object with advanced field properties. `source`, `type`, `label`, `sortable`, `align`, `link`, `attributes`, `editable`, `width`. []
hideTitle Boolean Makes the list title invisible. false
hideHeader boolean The title hides the header; so actions such as filters and settings are hidden. false
hideBulkDelete boolean Makes the multi-delete button that appears when a record is selected from the selection list invisible. false
hideBulkCopy boolean Makes the multi-copy button that appears when a record is selected from the selection list invisible. false
disableSettings Boolean Makes the settings button invisible. false
disableCreate Boolean Makes the standard save button invisible. false
rowCreate Boolean If you are using an editable table, it enables you to activate the Add Row button near by settings button. false
disableCreateRedirect Boolean Disables redirection after creation action. false
disableQueryString boolean Pagination, sorting, filtering, etc. Disables the sending of the URL query string in an action like. false
defaultQueryString object Your resource call url address, for example; By default, it adds a query string such as /api/example/findAllByPaging?a=1 to the end of your backend address, such as /api/example/findAllByPaging. Example value: { id: 4fd4eeac-8ab2-48b9-99e5-fbfd14334ff3 } {}
disableActions boolean Makes the section of all actions invisible. false
disableGlobalSearch boolean Disables global search. false
disableItemsPerPage boolean Disables the perPage parameter sent to the backend. false
globalSearchQuery string Determines the key name of the general search query. Changing the default value may require changes to some front and backside functions. q
disablePositioning boolean Hides the positioning row in the settings panel. false
disableVisibility boolean Hides the visibility row in the settings panel. false
enableSaveDialog boolean Shows/hides the create button for the save feature in the dialog in the right corner. false
itemsPerPage array List of available item selections per page. 10


Name Description
actions Allows new buttons to be added next to the buttons displayed in the list.
content Allows you to add a data table within the list template.

Data Table Server

VaDataTableServer is used for pagination of a list that fits the grid structure and for browsing and listing any resources. It includes features such as sorting, search, pagination, filtering and selection. The list layout in the default slot is fully customizable.


  • Resource
  • Search


Property Type Description Default
class String It assigns a value to the HTML class attribute of the div element surrounding the data table. va-data-table
density String Vuetify allows you to select the original density property. Possible values: default, comfortable, and compact. compact
rowClick String, Boolean Makes each row clickable. Use predefined function as edit or show. null
rowCreate boolean Makes the row creation button visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
rowEdit boolean Makes the row edit key visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
rowSaveDialog boolean Makes visible/invisible the button that allows editing/creating a record in a data table list actions within a window. false
rowSaveDialogWidth boolean Sets the width of the window for the rowSaveDialog button. 1024
rowSaveDialogHeight boolean Sets the height of the window for the rowSaveDialog button. 600
rowClone boolean Makes the row copy button visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
rowShow boolean Makes the button that opens the row detail window visible/invisible in an updatable data table list actions. false
showExpand boolean Enables line expansion mode for quick detailed view. false
expandOnClick boolean Allows the row to be expanded when the table rows are clicked. false
groupBy array Vuetify folders table data using the original groupBy function. It can take more than one value. []
visible boolean Controls the visibility of the data table. true
disableSelect boolean Select all disables the selection list. false
selectStrategy boolean Defines the strategy for selecting items in the list. Possible values: single, page, all. page
disableSort boolean Disables the list sorting function. false
disableShow boolean Disables the button for the standard detail action. false
disableEdit boolean Disables the button for the standard record editing action. false
disableClone boolean Disables the button for the standard record copy action. false
disableDelete boolean Disables the button for the standard deregistration action. false
disableCreateRedirect boolean Disables the redirection process after the standard creation action. false
disableShowRedirect boolean Disables the redirect action after the standard detail action. false
disableEditRedirect boolean Disables the redirect action after the standard update action. false
enableDeleteRedirect boolean Enables the redirect action after the standard delete action. false
multiSort boolean Enables/disables the multisorting feature, which is enabled by default. true
disableGenerateUid boolean Disables Uid generation in an updatable data table list save action. false
itemsPerPageOptions array List of available item selections per page. [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100]


Ad Açıklama
cell.actions The data table allows new buttons to be added next to the buttons displayed in the standard actions section.
row.actions It allows new buttons to be added next to the buttons displayed in the actions section in the updatable data table.
no-data Allows you to customize the section displayed when no data is found.


Name Description
update:options Triggered on pagination change.
update:filter Triggered on filtering change.
selected Triggered when the record is selected from the selection list. This event is recorded in array type.
item-action Triggered on action on a specific row. This event will return a refreshed object from your API.
save Triggered before the save phase in the updatable list.
saved Triggered after saving in the updatable list.


Use the fields attribute to define all columns. You need to at least set the source property that defines the source field you want to fetch, then the type of data formatter if it is different from simple text format. Check fields for all supported fields.


import { required } from "@vuelidate/validators";

export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  provide() {
    return {
      validations: {
        form: {
          companyId: {
          employeeNumber: {
          name: {
          surname: {
      errors: {
        companyIdErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].companyId.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].companyId.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
        employeeNumberErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].employeeNumber.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].employeeNumber.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
        nameErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].name.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].name.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
        surnameErrors: (v$) => {
          const errors = [];
          if (!v$['form'].surname.$dirty) return errors;
          v$['form'].surname.required.$invalid &&
          return errors;
  data() {
    return {
      loading: false,
      yearId: new Date().getFullYear(),
      filters: [
          source: "companyId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "companies",
          source: "jobTitleId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "jobtitles",
          source: "gradeId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "employeegrades",
      fields: [
          source: "companyId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "companies",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "employeeNumber",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "name",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "surname",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "jobTitleId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "jobtitles",
          sortable: true,
          width: "20%"
          source: "gradeId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "employeegrades",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"

Field Attributes

Property Type Description
source string Key name of the resource to display.
type string The field type to use.
label string Column header title, use localized attribute source by default.
labelKey string Overrides default source to i18n key message.
sortable boolean Enables server-side sorting.
align string You can use left, right, center for the align property of each cell.
link string If you want to wrap the field inside the source action link, use any valid show or edit action.
input string The input type to use for editable form rows. Overrides the default type.
attributes object Any attributes or attributes that will be combined with the subdomain or input component.
editable boolean Replace the field with the live edit input field. Ideal for fast live updates.

Custom Row Actions

Row actions can be customized using the row.actions slot. In the following example, a special delete button in a data table belonging to software developers is directed to a route named delete-developer with the developerId parameter.

Custom Row Actions

          <template v-slot:row.actions="{ item }">
              :color="color || 'red'"
              :to="{ name: 'delete-developer', params: { developerId:  } }"

Field Templating

In case all the slot options above do not meet your needs, you can use the advanced slot templating for each slot. You can even use all the Olobase Admin fields in it. This is very useful when you need to place the field component inside the parent component as shown below:

      <template v-slot:[`field.authors`]="{ value }">
        <v-chip-group column>
            v-for="(item, i) in value"
export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      fields: [

To do this, simply use a slot called field.{source}; where source is the name of the field. This slot will provide you with the full row source element and the value of the cell to render by default.

Another example:

Field Templating

      <template v-slot:[`field.orderStatusId`]="{ item }">
          <v-icon icon="mdi-label" start></v-icon>
          {{ $t("resources.orders.chips." + item.orderStatusId) }}
export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  methods: {
    getOrderStatusColor(val) {
      if (val == "waiting") {
        return 'orange-darken-1';
      if (val == "canceled") {
        return 'red-darken-1';
      if (val == "completed") {
        return 'green-darken-1';

Expandable Row

You can use the extended element property with show-expand support for an additional full colspan cell below the element row. This method can be used when row data is long or for quick viewing.

Expanded Table

      <template v-slot:top>
        <v-toolbar flat>
          <v-toolbar-title>Expandable Table</v-toolbar-title>
      <template v-slot:expanded-row="{ columns, item }">
          <td :colspan="columns.length">
            More info about {{ item.raw.roleName }}

Editable Rows

To create a data table with editable rows, you must use the following attributes in the VaDataTableServer component. When using these attributes, you must disable standard operations such as disable-edit, disable-show and disable-clone.

An editable table may include the following actions:

  • row-create
  • row-clone
  • row-edit
  • row-show
  • row-delete

Editable Rows


Editable Interactive Rows

If you want to change another selection field interactively after selecting a selection field, take a look at the code in the example below.

Editable Interactive Rows

export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      fields: [
          source: "companyId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "companies",
          sortable: true,
          width: "15%"
          source: "departmentId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "departments",
          key: "companyId",
          filters: ["companyId"],
          sortable: true,
          width: "15%"

Save in Dialog

If you want the update process to be done in a new window for each record listed in the data list, you should use the following attributes.

Save Dialog Action

  • rowSaveDialog
  • rowSaveDialogWidth
  • rowSaveDialogHeight

Save Dialog Action



Data Iterator Server

The VaDataIteratorServer component is used to display data that does not fit into the grid structure or needs to be customized and is similar in functionality to the v-data-table component. It includes features such as sorting, search, pagination, filtering and selection. The list layout in the default slot is fully customizable.


  • Resource
  • Search

Data Iterator Server

        density: 'default',
        activeColor: 'primary',
        top: false,
        bottom: true,
        rounded: 'pill',
      <template v-slot:default="{ items }">
        <v-row no-gutters class="bordered pt-1 pb-1 justify-center" v-if="$store.state.api.loading">
        <v-row no-gutters v-else>
            v-for="(item, i) in items"
            <v-sheet border rounded :class="(isOdd(i)) ? '' : 'mr-5'">
                <template v-slot:title>
                  <strong class="text-h6">
                    {{ item.raw.username }}
              <v-table density="compact" class="text-caption">
                  <tr align="right">
                    <th width="20%">{{ $t("resources.failedlogins.fields.attemptedAt") }}:</th>
                    <td>{{ item.raw.attemptedAt }}</td>
                  <tr align="right">
                    <th>{{ $t("resources.failedlogins.fields.ip") }}:</th>
                    <td>{{ item.raw.ip }}</td>
                  <tr align="right">
                    <th>{{ $t("resources.failedlogins.fields.userAgent") }}:</th>
                    <td>{{ item.raw.userAgent }}</td>
      <template v-slot:bottom.pagination.header="{ page, pageCount }">
        <v-footer class="text-body-3 mt-6 mb-2" style="padding:0;">
          <div>{{ $t("dataiterator.displaying_page", {page, pageCount}) }}</div>
      <template v-slot:no-data>
        <v-row no-gutters class="bordered pt-1 pb-1 justify-center" v-if="$store.state.api.loading">
        <v-row no-gutters class="bordered pt-2 pb-2 justify-center" v-else>
          {{ $t("va.datatable.nodata")}}
export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      filters: [
          source: "username",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "failedloginusernames",
            multiple: true,  
          source: "ip",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            reference: "failedloginips",
            multiple: true,  
          source: "attemptedAtStart",
          type: "date",
          source: "attemptedAtEnd",
          type: "date",
      fields: [
          source: "username",
          type: "text",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "attemptedAt",
          type: "date",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "userAgent",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "ip",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
  methods: {
    isOdd(number) {
      return (number & 1) === 1;


Property Type Description Default
class String It assigns a value to the HTML class attribute of the div element surrounding the data table. va-data-table
pagination object Controls customizable variables of paging components. When the top and bottom options are true, pagination can be displayed both at the bottom and at the top. { density: 'default', activeColor: 'primary', top: false, bottom: true, rounded: 'pill', }
showExpand boolean Enables row expansion mode for quick detailed view. false
expandOnClick boolean Allows the row to be expanded when the table rows are clicked. false
groupBy array Vuetify folders table data using the original groupBy function. It can take more than one value. []
selectStrategy boolean Defines the strategy for selecting items in the list. Possible values: single, page, all. page
returnObject boolean Changes the selection behavior to directly return the object rather than the value specified by the element value. false
mustSort boolean If true, sorting cannot be disabled, it will always switch between ascending and descending. false
multiSort boolean Enables/disables the multisorting feature, which is enabled by default. true


Name Description
top.pagination.header Allows customization of the top of the parent pagination.
top.pagination.footer Allows customization of the bottom of the parent pagination.
bottom.pagination.header Allows customization of the top of the sub-pagination.
bottom.pagination.footer Allows customization of the bottom part of sub-pagination.
no-data Allows you to customize the section displayed when no data is found.


The global search filter will be enabled by default. To disable this, use the disableGlobalSearch property. This filter will send the search query to the backend via the key configured in the globalSearchQuery variable, which is q by default. Then, on the backend side for SQL processing, for example, the multi-column LIKE search will be done automatically, thanks to the relevant model Olobase\Mezzio\ColumnFilters class.


export default {
  props: ["resource"],
  data() {
    return {
      filters: [],
      fields: [
          source: "roleName",
          sortable: true,
          source: "roleKey",
          sortable: true,
          source: "roleLevel",          
          sortable: true,
namespace App\Model;

use Exception;
use Olobase\Mezzio\ColumnFiltersInterface;
use Laminas\Db\Sql\Sql;
use Laminas\Db\Sql\Expression;
use Laminas\Paginator\Paginator;
use Laminas\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect;
use Laminas\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Laminas\Cache\Storage\StorageInterface;
use Laminas\Db\TableGateway\TableGatewayInterface;

class RoleModel
    private $conn;
    private $roles;
    private $rolePermissions;
    private $cache;
    private $adapter;
    private $columnFilters;

    public function __construct(
        TableGatewayInterface $roles,
        TableGatewayInterface $rolePermissions,
        StorageInterface $cache,
        ColumnFiltersInterface $columnFilters
        $this->roles = $roles;
        $this->rolePermissions = $rolePermissions;
        $this->cache = $cache;
        $this->adapter = $roles->getAdapter();
        $this->columnFilters = $columnFilters;
        $this->conn = $this->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection();

    public function findAllBySelect()
        $sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
        $select = $sql->select();
            'id' => 'roleId',
        $select->from(['r' => 'roles']);
        return $select;

    public function findAllByPaging(array $get)
        $select = $this->findAllBySelect();

        if ($this->columnFilters->searchDataIsNotEmpty()) {
            $nest = $select->where->nest();
            foreach ($this->columnFilters->getSearchData() as $col => $words) {
                $nest = $nest->or->nest();
                foreach ($words as $str) {
                    $nest->or->like(new Expression($col), '%'.$str.'%');
                $nest = $nest->unnest();
        if ($this->columnFilters->orderDataIsNotEmpty()) {
            foreach ($this->columnFilters->getOrderData() as $order) {
                $select->order(new Expression($order));
        // echo $select->getSqlString($this->adapter->getPlatform());
        // die;
        $paginatorAdapter = new DbSelect(
        $paginator = new Paginator($paginatorAdapter);
        return $paginator;

In addition to the filters that appear by default, you may also need some built-in filters that the user cannot change through the user interface. Use the filter feature for this. This is a simple key/value object that will be automatically sent to your data provider and combined with other active filters.


Any filters you add are active by default. These active filters and columns can be customized by the user with show/hide actions in the settings tab. In addition to global search, VaDataTableServer also supports advanced custom filters with many supported entries as shown here:


Supported inputs for filtering are as follows:

  • text
  • number
  • boolean
  • date
  • rating
  • select (returns to object as default)
  • autocompleter

Use filter properties to define new filters. Here's a code sample usage of these advanced filters:

export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      loading: false,
      yearId: new Date().getFullYear(),
      filters: [
          source: "companyId",
          type: "select",
          col: 2,
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "companies",
          source: "jobTitleId",
          type: "select",
          col: 2,
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "jobtitles",
          source: "gradeId",
          type: "select",
          returnObject: false, // sends ids as array
          col: 3,
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: true,
            reference: "employeegrades",

For the input type, you should mainly use the type as well as the mandatory source attribute. Use the attributes property to combine specific attributes with the input component.

See all supported domain features:

Property Type Description
source string Source property to display.
col number Determines the number of columns of the filter, i.e. its width for multi-device support.
type string The input type to use.
returnObject boolean If you set this value to false, the id value(s) are sent in the array, not in the object.
label string The column header uses the localized attribute source by default.
labelKey string Overrides the default source to i18n key message.
attributes object You must define any attributes or properties that will be combined with the input component within this object.

Interactive Filters

If you want another filter(s) to change interactively after selecting a filter, take a look at the code in the following example.

Interactive Filters

export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      filters: [
          source: "yearId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: false,
            reference: "years",
          label: this.$t("employees.yearId"),
          source: "salaryListId",
          type: "select",
          attributes: {
            optionText: "name",
            multiple: false,
            reference: "salarylists",
          key: "yearId",
          filters: ['yearId'],
          label: this.$t("salaries.salaryListId"),

Filtering Between Two Date

If you want to filter a date column between two specified date columns, you must add Start and End to the end of the column name.

Two Date Filters

In the following example, two date filters named attemptedAtStart and attemptedAtEnd are added for the attemptedAt column name.

export default {
  props: ["resource", "title"],
  data() {
    return {
      filters: [
          source: "username",
          type: "text",
          source: "attemptedAtStart",
          type: "date",
          source: "attemptedAtEnd",
          type: "date",
      fields: [
          source: "username",
          type: "text",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"
          source: "attemptedAt",
          type: "date",
          sortable: true,
          width: "10%"

Universal Actions

This VaList component comes with only 1 global action called create. The Create button will only appear if the current resource has a create action and the authenticated user has create permission on that resource.


Action Events

You don't have to follow the default redirect behavior. If you prefer a create action, simply subscribe to the action event and disable redirect generation with the disableCreateRedirect property to prevent the create button from redirecting to the linked action page. The same behavior applies to the show, edit and clone actions inside the VaDataTableServer. If you need a custom behavior within an Aside or dialog, use the item-action event and disable the default redirect. Note that all these keys will be automatically hidden if no action is taken for the relevant keys. Disabling each relevant action redirect will force the keys to reappear.

These action events will always provide you with the adapted CRUD header as well as the refreshed element from the API.

Customizable Actions

If you need other item actions in addition to the standard actions, use the special item.actions slot. For an updatable data table, you should use the row.actions slot.

      <template v-slot:[`item.actions`]="{ resource, item }">

Class Actions

Data listing supports all kinds of bulk operations, whether copying or deleting. This feature will use your data provider's copyMany, updateMany and deleteMany methods. When you select some items, all available bulk actions will appear in the header.

Bulk Actions

Customizable Bulk Actions

By default Olobase Admin provides the bulk delete action, but you can add multiple bulk actions as required using the VaBulkActionButton which will use the bulk.actions slots and updateMany . This last component needs a necessary action prop that will be the object to send to your API. This object will contain all the properties you want to bulk update. The next example will show you an example of a bulk publish/unpublish bulk action:

    <template v-slot:bulk.actions="{ selected }">
         :action="{ active: true }"
         :action="{ active: false }"