
Olobase Admin field components allow specific and optimized display of specific resource properties. It is mainly designed for use in show and list views. It is used with the source and resource properties required to fetch and display data. Must be used with the VaShow component injector or an explicit item object via the item prop.

Field Wrapper

Unlike Olobase Admin entries, typed Olobase Admin fields do not contain any tagged wrapper, only a simple inline image formatter. You can use VaField for this. It takes the localized tag and initializes the appropriate field component via prop type, which prevents us from rewriting it to the default slot.

See more for more details.

Dot Representation Support

Olobase Admin fields accept dot notation for the source prop. This feature is useful for objects.

  <va-field source="address.street"></va-field>
  <va-field source="address.postcode"></va-field>
  <va-field source=""></va-field>

Olobase Admin Fields

In this section, the Olobase Admin field representation components in the packages/admin/src/components/ui/fields folder will be discussed.


Displays the value as simple text, creating a simple span. HTML tags are destroyed with the strip function.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
truncate number Shortens text.


  <va-text-field source="name"></va-text-field>

Creates a simple span:



Displays the value as a mailto link.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot representation for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.


  <va-email-field source="email"></va-email-field>

Creates a simple mailto link:

<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>


It displays the value as a simple http connection.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
target string The target value of the link is external by default.


  <va-url-field source="url" target="_self"></va-url-field>

Creates a simple url link:

<a href=""></a>

Rich Text

Show the value in raw format that allows HTML tags. The source value must be trusted to prevent XSS attacks.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource


The source and item properties mentioned previously.


  <va-rich-text-field source="body"></va-rich-text-field>

Creates a raw HTML div:

<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.</p>


Displays the value as a formatted number. It can be any local currency, decimal or percentage value. Use the Vue i18n function $n under the hood.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
format string The name of the number format to use. Vue i18n must be predefined in your plugin.


  <va-number-field source="price" format="currency"></va-number-field>

Creates a number formatted in span:



For the targeted i18n locale, you first need to save a valid number format:


export default {
  en: {
    currencyFormat: {
      style: "currency",
      currency: "USD",
  tr: {
    currencyFormat: {
      style: "currency",
      currency: "TL",

Check out the documentation for Vue i18n.


Displays the value as a formatted date. And long, short etc. Supports all localized formats. Basically use $d, VueI18n function.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
format string The date format to use. For example: (dd-mm-YYYY).


  <va-date-field source="publicationDate" format="short"></va-date-field>

Creates a formatted date within the range:

<span>Sunday, November 18, 1984</span>


export default {
  en: {
    year: {
      year: "numeric",
    month: {
      month: "short",
    shortFormat: {
      dateStyle: "short",
    longFormat: {
      year: "numeric",
      month: "long",
      day: "numeric",
      weekday: "long",
      hour: "numeric",
      minute: "numeric",
      hour12: false,

Check out the documentation for Vue i18n.


Displays the value as a definable true/false symbol.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource
Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
labelTrue string true text for type.
labelFalse string false text for type.
iconTrue string True value icon. Must be a valid mdi icon.
iconFalse string False value symbol. Must be a valid mdi icon.


  <va-boolean-field source="active" icon-false="mdi-cancel"></va-boolean-field>


Show the value as rating stars. If half increments are enabled, the value must be a valid integer or decimal number. Icons can be edited from Vuetify icon settings.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource
  • Rating


The source and item properties mentioned previously.


  <va-rating-field source="rating" length="10" half-increments></va-rating-field>

The example above creates a read-only Vuetify rating component.


It displays the value inside a chip material.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource
  • Chip


The source and item properties mentioned previously.

Name Description
default Chip content placeholder shows value by default for further customization.


Name Description
default For further customization, the content placeholder defaults to the text of the selected selection.


  <va-chip-field source="type" color="secondary" small></va-chip-field>

Generates a Vuetify chip component.


If you need format value in terms of selections or enumerations, use VaSelectField with chip prop.


Its value represents text selected from predefined key-value options. If no options are available, by default Vue i18n retrieves localized enumerations from your resource locale that contain source as the value.


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource
  • Choices
  • Chip


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
chip string Shows text inside a chip material.


Name Description
default For further customization, the content placeholder defaults to the text of the selected selection.


export default {
  props: ["id", "item"],

Localized Enums


Shows a list of file links pointing to the original files.

File Field

<v-row no-gutters>
  <v-col sm="3" class="mr-3">

<v-row no-gutters>
  <v-col sm="3" class="mr-3">


  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource
  • Files


Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
src string Source property of the file object, link via the original file.
title string Title attribute of the file object used for title and alt attributes.
fileName string The file name property of the file object; shown as link text for files.
target string The target value for the connection is external by default.
clearable boolean Mainly use for VaFileInput, allows removal of files or images.
model string The name of the property sent to the API containing the IDs of the file to be deleted.
itemValue string Specifies where the ID value is retrieved to identify files to be deleted.


Show a list of images as a gallery with preview support for thumbnails.

Image Field



  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource
  • Files
Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
src string Source property of the image object, link via original file.
title string Title attribute of the file object used for title and alt attributes.
fileName string Filename property of the image object; shown as link text for files.
target string The target value for the connection is external by default.
clearable boolean Mainly use for VaFileInput, allows removal of files or images.
model string The name of the property sent to the API containing the IDs of the images to be deleted.
itemValue string Specifies where the ID value is retrieved to identify images to be deleted.
height string Maximum height of the image.
lg string Maximum column width for image gallery.


Represent each value of the multiple array type value as a material chip group.


  • Chip
  • Field
  • Source
  • Resource


Name Description
default For further customization, the content placeholder defaults to the text of the selected selection.
Property Type Description
source string The property of the resource to fetch the value to display. Supports dot display for slot used object.
item null Overrides the default element added by VaShow.
itemText string|array|func The inside attribute is used if it is an object. Use a function for further customization.
select string Use enum select field instead of simple text as value formatter.
column string Show list of chips as column.

Nested object

Use the default slot for internal chip templating:

  <va-array-field source="formats" v-slot="{ value }">
    {{ }} : {{ value.url }}

For a more complex case, use a simple v-for custom template.