
Olobase Admin is first and foremost an admin panel application, so it includes basic HTTP authentication, JWT, OAuth etc. It offers several authentication providers to integrate well with all different types of authentication systems, such as. Similar to data providers, Olobase Admin uses an adapter approach model that allows your API server to communicate with your authentication by writing your own authentication provider.

Available Authentication Providers

Olobase Admin provides 2 configurable authentication providers:

  • basicAuthProvider: Basic HTTP authentication.
  • jwtAuthProvider: JWT (default) for stateless authentication.

All of these providers need an axios instance to work. The easiest way is to create an axios instance and pass it to both authentication and data providers:


import OlobaseAdmin from "olobase-admin";
import {
} from "olobase-admin/src/providers";
import { en, tr } from "olobase-admin/src/locales";

let admin = new OlobaseAdmin(import.meta.env);
 * Install admin plugin
export default {
  install: (app, http, resources) => {
      dataProvider: jsonServerDataProvider(http),
      authProvider: jwtAuthProvider(http),
    OlobaseAdmin.install(app); // install layouts & components
    app.provide("i18n", i18n);
    app.provide("router", router);

All included providers can be used in the same way; If you want to use basicAuthProvider instead of jwtAuthProvider, simply replace jwtAuthProvider with basicAuthProvider.

First Auth Parameter: Axios

To access the axios instance from anywhere in your custom Vue components via admin.http, the axios instance is called the OlobaseAdmin constructor method and from there to the jwtAuthProvider is sent to the provider. This submitted example allows reuse of the current authentication state (cookie or token).

Second Auth Parameter: Params

If you pass a second optional params variable to your auth provider like this, it can be used to replace or add to various existing parameters:

let params = {
  routes: {
    login: "auth/token",
    logout: "auth/logout",
    refresh: "auth/refresh",
  getToken: (r) => r.token,
  getCredentials: ({ username, password }) => {
    return {
  getId: (r) =>,
  getFullname: (r) => r.user.fullname,
  getEmail: (r) =>,
  getAvatar: () => localStorage.getItem("avatar"),
  getPermissions: (r) => r.user.permissions,
jwtAuthProvider(http, params);
Option Description
routes Object containing all authentication routes, i.e. login, logout, refresh (JWT), user information.
getToken JWT only function that returns token from a successful login API response has token set by default.
getCredentials Function mapper for credentials that returns a compatible credential format for your API.
getId The function that returns the id of the current user.
getFullname The function that returns the name of the current user (user information retrieved from the API endpoint) is by default: fullname
getEmail The function that returns the current user's email is, by default: email.
getPermissions The function that returns the roles of the current user is by default: permissions.

Authentication with JWT (Default)

With this provider, a simple bearer token will be added to the Authorization header for each subsequent XHR request. The JWT will be stored within cookies under a configurable key. While the /api/auth/token route is used when creating the token, the specific /api/auth/refresh route is used for the auto-refresh token once the token expires, which can be set from the configuration.

Check out the JWT flow diagram

For JWT authentication to work, JWT keys must be configured on the backend. You can find relevant information from this link. Generating JWT Keys.

Basic HTTP authentication

Basic HTTP Provider can be used for basic cases. All basic authentication information will be easily sent to each XHR request. By default, basic authentication returns only the username used for credentials. If you prefer to use a specific API endpoint to provide more user information to Olobase Admin (this is recommended if you need functional profile editing), you need to set the user route as follows:


import {
} from "olobase-admin/src/providers";
import OlobaseAdmin from "olobase-admin";

let admin = new OlobaseAdmin(import.meta.env);
 * Install admin plugin
export default {
  install: (app, http, resources) => {
    authProvider: basicAuthProvider(http, {
      routes: {
        user: "/api/user",

Authorization Pages

All unauthenticated pages such as Login, Register or any special public pages should be saved as classic pages in your base router file in src/router/index.js. This method allows you to use any private or public layout. Authenticated private pages should use the special src/router/admin.js file. This file is a simple admin redirect object that takes advantage of the entire admin layout with the app bar header and sidebar.

Login Page

In order for the login page to work, it must have a classic login form. Then all you need to do is send it to the login authentication action, which will pass the credentials to the login authentication provider method.



import { mapActions } from "vuex";

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      username: null,
      password: null,
  methods: {
      login: "auth/login",
    async validate() {
      await this.login({
        username: this.username,
        password: this.password,

Login Redirect

For unauthenticated login redirection, to localize the login URL path, Olobase Admin looks for a route called login; Therefore, make sure that your login route named dashboard is set in the configuration in your admin plugin.


export default {
  install: (app, http, resources) => {
    // console.error(app.config.globalProperties)
      dashboard: "dashboard",

Registration and Password Reset

If you need to add these features, the home page is the perfect place to do it. Simply add the relevant forms, then call your API-specific registration or password reset endpoint using the global admin this.admin.http() method as shown in the next section of the profile page.

Account Page

As explained above, this authenticated page must be registered in src/router/admin.js for the admin layout to be inherited. In this way, Olobase Admin can obtain the authenticated user's information and pre-fill the form in the user account.


The this.admin.http() method should be used to make authenticated API requests as saving account information may differ depending on the project context. The default api url for the current user's account update is /api/account/update.


    <v-col sm="12">
      <v-form @submit.prevent="updateAccount">
        <v-card flat>
            <div class="d-flex align-center mb-2">
              <h1 class="h1">{{ $t("resources.account.title") }}</h1>
              <v-col lg="3" md="3" sm="12">





            <v-btn color="primary" :loading="accountUpdating" type="submit">
              {{ $t("") }}
import { mapActions } from "vuex";
import { useVuelidate } from "@vuelidate/core";
import { required, email, minLength, maxLength } from "@vuelidate/validators";

export default {
  inject: ['admin', 'vuetify'],
  setup() {
    return { v$: useVuelidate() };
  data() {
    return {
      accountUpdating: false,
      themeColor: "#F26522",
      firstname: null,
      lastname: null,
      email: null,
      avatarImage: null,
  validations() {
    return {
      firstname: {
        maxLength: maxLength(120),
      lastname: {
        maxLength: maxLength(120),
      email: {
      themeColor: {
        minLength: minLength(7),
        maxLength: maxLength(7),
  computed: {
    firstnameErrors() {
      const errors = [];
      const field = "firstname";
      if (!this.v$[field].$dirty) return errors;
      this.v$[field].required.$invalid &&
      this.v$[field].maxLength.$invalid &&
        errors.push(this.$t("v.string.maxLength", { max: "120" }));
      return errors;
    lastnameErrors() {
      const errors = [];
      const field = "lastname";
      if (!this.v$[field].$dirty) return errors;
      this.v$[field].required.$invalid &&
      this.v$[field].maxLength.$invalid &&
        errors.push(this.$t("v.string.maxLength", { max: "120" }));
      return errors;
    emailErrors() {
      const errors = [];
      const field = "email";
      if (!this.v$[field].$dirty) return errors;
      this.v$[field].required.$invalid &&
      this.v$[field].email.$invalid && errors.push(this.$t(""));
      return errors;
    themeColorErrors() {
      const errors = [];
      const field = "themeColor";
      if (!this.v$[field].$dirty) return errors;
      this.v$[field].required.$invalid &&
      this.v$[field].minLength.$invalid &&
        errors.push(this.$t("v.string.minLength", { min: "7" }));
      this.v$[field].maxLength.$invalid &&
        errors.push(this.$t("v.string.maxLength", { max: "7" }));
      return errors;
  created() {
  methods: {
      checkAuth: "auth/checkAuth",
    async initializeAccount() {
      let response = await this.admin.http.get("/account/findMe");
      let data =;
      this.firstname = data.firstname;
      this.lastname = data.lastname; =;
      this.avatar.image = data.avatar.image;
      this.themeColor = data.themeColor ? data.themeColor : this.vuetify.theme.themes.value.defaultTheme.colors.primary;
    async updateAccount() {
      if (this.v$.$invalid) {
        return false;
      this.accountUpdating = true;
      try {
        let data = {
          firstname: this.firstname,
          lastname: this.lastname,
          locale: this.locale,
          avatar: {
            image: this.avatar.image,
          themeColor: this.themeColor
        let Self = this;
        let user = await this.checkAuth();
        if (user) {
          this.admin.http({ method: "PUT", url: "/account/update", data: data }).then(async function(response){
            if (response && response.status == 200) {

              Self.vuetify.theme.themes.value.defaultTheme.colors.primary = Self.themeColor;
              localStorage.setItem("themeColor", Self.themeColor);
              Self.$router.push({ name: "dashboard"});
                Self.admin.message("success", Self.$t("form.saved"));
              }, 1);
      } catch (e) {
        // console.log(e.message);
      } finally {
        this.accountUpdating = false;

Authentication with checkAuth()

After successful account update, you can refresh the new user information in the Vuex store by calling checkAuth() from your authentication provider method and obtain the user's information with this function.

export default {
  methods: {
      checkAuth: "auth/checkAuth",
    async validate() {
      this.loading = false;
      if (this.v$.$invalid) {
      this.loading = true;
      try {
        // you must call checkAuth() method for the users who already authenticated
        await this.checkAuth().then(function(response){
          console.error(response); // { "user" : { "id" : "50767814-6c78-4b9e-b858-9ff18dbd531b", "fullname": "James Brown" } }
      } catch (e) {
        this.loading = false;

The object returned from the checkAuth() method.

    "avatar": "undefined",
    "token": "fbac5d11a54ef6e0817530aeb16d464546133e44.....",
    "user": {
        "id": "50767814-6c78-4b9e-b858-9ff18dbd531b",
        "fullname": "James Brown",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "permissions": [
    "cookieKey": {
        "user": "owa_user",
        "token": "owa_token"

If you want to use it to access user information on your login page immediately after logging in, you can also use the checkAuth method immediately after logging in.

await this.login({ username: this.username, password: this.password });
await this.checkAuth().then(function(response){
  console.error(response);  // { "user" : { "id" : "50767814-6c78-4b9e-b858-9ff18dbd531b", "fullname": "James Brown" } }
this.admin.message('info', "This is an example info message");

For more detailed information about messages, visit the messages section.

Writing Your Own Authentication Provider

If none of these configurable authentication providers suit you, you can always write your own authorization provider by applying the following convention, similar to data providers.

API Contract

Authentication providers must comply with a specific agreement to allow communication with the Olobase Admin. The next object represents the minimum contract that must be implemented:

const authProvider = {
  login:          ({ username, password }) => Promise,
  logout:         () => Promise,
  checkAuth:      () => Promise,
  checkError:     (error) => Promise,
  getFullname:    (user) => String,
  getEmail:       (user) => String,
  getAvatar:      (user) => String,
  getPermissions: (user) => Array,

All of these methods can be explained as follows:

Operation Description
login Sends credentials to your API. If the response status code is outside the 2xx range, a rejected promise should return. If successful, checkAuth is called.
logout Explicitly logout from your API. If successful, checkAuth is called.
checkAuth Checks the current authentication validity by retrieving user information from a specific API endpoint. Called after every client-side route navigation. If successful, refresh the user information in the public authentication store. If it fails, clear the authentication store information and redirect to the login page.
checkError Called after each API error, it allows you to take special actions based on the API error condition. Do automatic logout if rejection promise is returned. The most common use case is to force automatic logout if the API returns a 401 or 403 status code.
getName Return the user's full name from the authenticated user object. Used to show the username in the user title dropdown menu.
getEmail Return the user's email from the authenticated user object. Used to show email in user title dropdown menu.
getPermissions Return the roles/permissions for the authenticated user. Used for Authorization System.